Our warranty is backed by over 40 years in the ladder business.
We sincerely believe that our ladder is the best in the world. We put our products through rigorous tests to ensure that the ladderyou trust is built to the highest standards. You will probably never encounter a problem with your Little GiantLadder, but in the unlikely event that within the lifetime of the original purchaseyou discover a problem caused by defects in either workmanship or materials, we’ll be happy to repair or replace, at our option and without cost to the original purchaser. All we ask is that you get your ladder to our manufacturing facility in Springville,Utah. If it is determined that the problem is covered by our warranty, we’ll take care of the rest. All freight to and from the factory is to be paid by the customer. If a replacement is necessary and your product is no longer available, a comparable product will be substituted.
Little Giantladders are tested to withstand normal wear and tear, but are not indestructible and can be damaged by misuse. Our warranty, just like other warranties worldwide, will not cover wear and tear, misuse and/or abusive treatment. But we do ensure a timely resolution at a fair price. Misuse may include, but is not limited to, damage by vehicles, tools, people, animals, falling objects, and using a Little Giantladder in any matter contrary to the warning/instruction labels and owner’s manual. If you need an owner’s manual, please contact us and we will send you one.
Before you ship your product back for warranty review, please call us at 0889577775 to obtain a Return Merchandise Authorization or RMA from our Customer Service Department. Return your ladder prepaid, insured, and in a carton. Include your name, address, phone number, proof of purchase, anda brief description of the problem. The address to return the product is: Little Giant Ladder Systems, Attention: Warranty Department, Burgas, 8000, str.Odrin112. You can access more information on all Little GiantLadders by going to our web site: littlegiantladder.eu.
The liability of Little Giant Ladder Systemsunder this warranty shall belimited solely to repair or replacement of the ladder within the warranty period; and Little Giant Ladder Systems shall not be liable, under any circumstances, for consequentialor incidental damages, including but not limited to, personal injuryor labor costs. Some states do not permit the exclusion or limitation of incidentalor consequential damages, so this exclusion may not apply to you.
Little Giant Ladder Systems Limited Lifetime Warranty v36.12Under no circumstances will Little Giant Ladder Systemsbe responsible for any expense inconnection with any repairs made by anyone other than the factory or authorized servicestation unless such repairs have been specifically authorized in writing by Little Giant Ladder Systems.
The original Little Giant Ladder Systemshavebeen around since 1972, and has providedsatisfaction to millions of customers. So rest assured, if you ever need assistancewith your ladder, we’ll still be here to see that you’re taken care of.
Thank you for purchasing Little Giant products!